Friday, July 6, 2012

Born Free 4 (part 3)

One of the things that is great about this show, is that you never know who you are going meet or run into. It could be people from Italy, Brazil, Japan, Celebrities, Musicians, Photographers, Skaters, Artists, etc. I have meet some pretty amazing and talented people at Born Free show. Its even better when you get to catch up with old friends that you haven't seen in forever, sometimes, not always. Its great to get feed back from the audience as well and especially when you hear them talk about how they follow your blog and or on Instagram, or how they have seen your work somewhere and how they admire it. That always puts a huge smile on my face and lets me know that its paying off!!! So, I thank you for following me and for the support. See you at the next one!!!
Willie G. Davidson, surprisingly stopped by the booth!!! How rad is that??? Its funny, cause the minute you step out of your booth, to take a piss or something, is the moment when something crazy or exciting happens. That was the case here. I asked Michael Schmidt to watch the booth and then on my way back, Nicole comes running saying "You have to come back, Willie G. is asking about you." Good thing Michael stalled for a bit. One of the highlights of the day!
Cole Foster snook into my booth, like a ninja. I turn around and he's chillin on my chair. Nice to chat with him for a minute, always a gentleman.
Two Great people. Rico and Bill Carter.
Really was stoked that Bill Carter remembered me and stopped by the booth to say hi and give compliments on my work. I met Bill Carter in Ventura, a couple years ago through Cole Foster. One of my heroes! Super talented painter, a living Legend! Another highlight of my day at the show.
Ran into my old friend Keith. We've known each other since kindergarten. He's a good dude and very talented welder/fabricator.
Nicole snapped this shot as we exited the show. What an awesome day!

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